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/ Professional Soft Collection 1.02 / Professional Soft Collection 1.02.iso / communic / pc_anyve.700 / uninstal.inf < prev    next >
INI File  |  1995-11-29  |  14KB  |  498 lines

  1. [InstallVersion]
  2. 4.0
  3. [Process]
  4. Uninstall()                    
  5. FullUninstall()
  6. Bitmaps(pix)                   
  7. DisableHelp()                  
  8. Backup(CustDLLCopy)            
  9. CallProc(Func_InitDll)
  10. switch1  = FALSE 
  11. switch2  = FALSE 
  12. WizardPanel(Panel_WrongVersion, siwpca.dll)
  13. switch1 = IsWinVerGTE(0395)        
  14. #ifnot(switch1)
  15.     switch2= CallProcEx (Func_CheckNTVer)
  16.     #ifnot(switch2)
  17.         WizardProcessPanel()
  18.         Goto(Label_CleanupAndExit)
  19.     #endif
  20. #endif
  21. switch3 = CallProcEx(Func_QueryInstallVal)
  22. #if(switch3)
  23. #endif
  24. CallProcEx(Func_RegQueryValueEx_Userdir)    
  25. #if(switch1)
  26.     CallProcEx(Func_SetupSharedComponentsDir) 
  27.     CallProcEx(Func_SetVarTarget3)                 
  28. #endif
  29. CallProcEx(Func_SetVars)                              
  30. WizardPanel(Panel_WelcomeUninstall, siwpca.dll)
  31. WizardProcessPanel()
  32. DisableUtils()
  33. CallProcEx(Func_DeleteDirs)        
  34. EnableUtils()
  35. DelFromIni(Win_Ports_winawprn)                
  36. #if(switch1) 
  37.     CallProcEx(Func_SetVarTarget3)                 
  38.     #if(switch3)    
  39.         CallProcEx(Func_UpdateUsageCounts)    
  40.         CallProcEx(Func_DeleteSharedCompDir) 
  41.     #endif
  42. #endif
  43. #if(switch1) 
  44.     CallProcEx(Func_DelWin95Keys)
  45. #else
  46.     CallProcEx(Func_DelWinNTKeys)
  47. #endif
  48. CallProcEx (Func_DelCommonKeys)
  49. #if(switch1) 
  50.     CallProcEx(Func_Delete95Files)
  51. #else    
  52.     CallProcEx(Func_QueryValueEx_SavedGina)
  53.     switch5 = CallProcEx (Func_IsPathEmpty)
  54.     #ifnot(switch5)
  55.         CallProcEx(Func_CreateKey_RestoreGina)
  56.     #else
  57.         CallProcEx(Func_DeleteValue_RemoveGina)
  58.     #endif
  59.     CallProcEx(Func_DeleteNTFiles)
  60. #endif
  61. CallProcEx(Func_DeleteCommonFiles)
  62. #if(switch2)
  63. #endif
  64. #if(switch2)    
  65.     switch19 = CallProcEx(Func_RemoveService)
  66.     switch90 = FALSE 
  67.     #ifnot(switch19)
  68.         #if(switch24)
  69.             switch90 = TRUE 
  70.             switch95 = TRUE 
  71.         #endif
  72.         #ifnot(switch90)
  73.             #if(switch20)
  74.                 switch90 = TRUE 
  75.                 switch95 = TRUE 
  76.             #endif
  77.         #endif
  78.         #ifnot(switch90)
  79.             CallProcEx(Func_ShowSwitches)
  80.          #endif
  81.     #else
  82.         switch95 = TRUE 
  83.     #endif
  84. #endif
  85. #if(switch1)
  86.     CallProcEx(Func_RemoveGroup)
  87. #else    
  88.     Groups()
  89. #endif
  90. WizardPanel(Panel_Finished95Reboot, siwpca.dll)
  91. #if(switch1)
  92.     WizardProcessPanel()
  93. #else
  94.     WizardExcludePanel(Panel_Finished95Reboot)
  95. #endif
  96. WizardPanel(Panel_FinishedNTReboot, siwpca.dll)
  97. #if(switch2)
  98.     WizardProcessPanel()
  99. #else
  100.     WizardExcludePanel(Panel_FinishedNTReboot)
  101. #endif
  102. CallProc(Func_ReleaseDll)
  103. Delete(CustDLLDelete)
  104. switch99 = IsInstallShell()
  105. #if(switch99)
  106.    ExitRestart()
  107. #else
  108.    Exit()
  109. #endif
  110. End()
  111. [groups]
  112. "pcANYWHERE32",       winaw32.grp, DELETE
  113. [pcANYWHERE32]
  114. "pcANYWHERE"            ,  winaw32.exe,        BaseFiles, 0, TARGET5
  115. "Remove pcANYWHERE"    ,  "setup.exe",      BaseFiles, 0, TARGET4, , , "/u"
  116. "Release Notes"        ,  "readme.txt",         BaseFiles, 0, TARGET5
  117. [Target4_System\Drivers]
  118. reset = TARGET4
  119. location = %s\Drivers, SYSTEM
  120. [Func_InitDll]
  121. dll = siwpca.dll
  122. function = InitDll
  123. arg0 = 5
  124. arg1 = 20
  125. arg2 = "Norton pcANYWHERE"
  126. arg3 = pcANYWHERE7.0
  127. arg4 = PIPELINE.INI
  128. [Func_UpdateUsageCounts]
  129. dll = siwpca.dll
  130. function = FuncUpdateUsageCounts
  131. [RefCounts]
  132. symevnt.386, TARGET3
  133. symevnt1.dll, TARGET3
  134. s32evnt1.dll, TARGET3
  135. [Func_SetupSharedComponentsDir]
  136. dll = siwpca.dll
  137. function = FuncGetSharedCompDir
  138. arg0 = "c:\Program Files\Symantec"
  139. arg1 = "c:\WIN32APP\Symantec"
  140. arg2 = PATH4
  141. [Func_SetVarTarget3]
  142. dll = siwpca.dll
  143. function = FuncSetVar
  144. arg0 = TARGET3
  145. arg1 = "%s, PATH4"
  146. [Func_DebugStub]
  147. dll = siwpca.dll
  148. function = FuncDebugStub
  149. [Func_RegDeleteKeyValue]
  150. dll = siwpca.dll
  151. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  152. section = SecDelKeyVal
  153. [Func_DelWin95Keys]
  154. dll = siwpca.dll
  155. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  156. section = SecDelWin95Keys
  157. [SecDelWin95Keys]
  158. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\pcANYWHERE7.0"
  159. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WINAW32.EXE"
  160. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWHOST32.EXE"
  161. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWREM32.EXE"
  162. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWGATE.EXE"
  163. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWRAS32.EXE"
  164. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AWEDIT32.EXE"
  165. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SLAUNCH.EXE"
  166. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\AW_HOST"
  167. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices", "awhost32"
  168. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage\Symevnt.386", "pcANYWHERE7.0"
  169. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage\Symevnt1.dll", "pcANYWHERE7.0"
  170. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage\S32evnt1.dll", "pcANYWHERE7.0"
  171. [Func_DelWinNTKeys]
  172. dll = siwpca.dll
  173. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  174. section = SecDelWinNTKeys
  175. [SecDelWinNTKeys]
  176. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AW_HOST"
  177. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\awhost32"
  178. [Func_DelCommonKeys]
  179. dll = siwpca.dll
  180. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  181. section = SecDelCommonKeys
  182. [SecDelCommonKeys]
  187. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps", "pcANYWHERE7.0"
  189. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Online Registration\pcANYWHERE7.0"
  190. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Symantec\Online Registration",,DELETE_KEY_IF_EMPTY
  194. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{0D302F2C-8EA6-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  195. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A0-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  196. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A1-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  197. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A2-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  198. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A3-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  199. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{92A681A4-9f0D-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  200. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC1-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  201. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC2-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  202. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC3-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  203. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\{DF44ACC4-972F-11CE-B035-444553540000}"
  204. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".cif"
  205. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CallerFile"
  206. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".chf"
  207. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "RemoteCtrlFile"
  208. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".bhf"
  209. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "BeHostFile"
  210. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".osf"
  211. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "OnlineServiceFile"
  212. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".gwf"
  213. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "GatewayFile"
  215. [Func_DelWin95AutoStart]
  216. dll = siwpca.dll
  217. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  219. arg1="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices"
  220. arg2="awhost32"
  221. [Func_DeleteNTFiles]
  222. dll = siwpca.dll
  223. function = FuncDeleteFile
  224. section = SectionDeleteNTFiles
  225. [SectionDeleteNTFiles]
  226. awgina.dll, %s, PATH1
  227. aw_host.sys, %s, PATH9
  228. awgina.dll, %s, SYSTEM
  229. [Func_Delete95Files]
  230. dll = siwpca.dll
  231. function = FuncDeleteFile
  232. section = SectionDelete95Files
  233. [SectionDelete95Files]
  234. aw_host.386, %s, SYSTEM
  235. [Func_DeleteCommonFiles]
  236. dll = siwpca.dll
  237. function = FuncDeleteFile
  238. section = SectionDeleteCommonFiles
  239. [SectionDeleteCommonFiles]
  240. awrem32.ini, %s, WINDOWS
  241. awhost32.ini, %s, WINDOWS
  242. awonl32.ini, %s, WINDOWS
  243. [Func_ReleaseDll]
  244. dll = siwpca.dll
  245. function = ReleaseDLL
  246. [ExitHookProc]
  247. dll = siwpca.dll
  248. function = ReleaseDLL
  249. [Func_RegQueryValueEx_Userdir]
  250. dll = siwpca.dll
  251. function = FuncRegQueryValue
  252. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  253. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\7.0\System"
  254. arg2 = Userdir
  255. arg3 = TARGET
  256. [Func_DeleteDirs]
  257. dll = siwpca.dll
  258. function = FuncDeleteDir
  259. section = Section_DeleteDirs
  260. [Section_DeleteDirs]
  261. %s, PATH2
  262. %s, PATH3, E
  263. %s, PATH0
  264. [Func_DeleteSharedCompDir]
  265. dll = siwpca.dll
  266. function = FuncDeleteDir
  267. arg0 = "%s, PATH4
  268. arg1 = E
  269. [Func_QueryInstallVal]
  270. dll = siwpca.dll
  271. function = FuncRegQueryValue
  272. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  273. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\7.0\System"
  274. arg2 = Installed
  275. arg3 = PATHRET
  276. [Func_QueryValueEx_SavedGina]
  277. dll = siwpca.dll
  278. function = FuncRegQueryValue
  279. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  280. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcANYWHERE\7.0\System"
  281. arg2 = "GinaDLL"
  282. arg3 = PATHRET
  283. [Func_IsPathEmpty]
  284. dll = siwpca.dll
  285. function = FuncIsPathEmpty
  286. path = PATHRET
  287. [Func_CreateKey_RestoreGina]
  288. dll = siwpca.dll
  289. function = FuncRegCreateKeyValue
  290. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  291. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon"
  292. arg2 = "GinaDLL"
  293. arg3 = "REG_SZ"
  294. arg4 = PATHRET
  295. [Func_DeleteValue_RemoveGina]
  296. dll = siwpca.dll
  297. function = FuncRegDeleteKeyValue
  298. arg0 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  299. arg1 = "SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon"
  300. arg2 = "GinaDLL"
  301. [Func_ShowRegs]
  302. dll = siwpca.dll
  303. function = FuncShowRegs
  304. [Func_SetVars]
  305. dll = siwpca.dll
  306. function = FuncSetVar
  307. section = Section_SetVars
  308. [Section_SetVars]
  309. PATH0, %s, TARGET                     
  310. PATH1, %s, TARGET                      
  311. PATH2, %s\Data, TARGET
  312. PATH3, %s\Download, TARGET
  313. PATH8, %s\Setup, TARGET
  314. PATH9, %s\Drivers, SYSTEM
  315. [NAVCopy:CopyDialog]
  316. caption = "Removing Norton AntiVirus Files..."
  317. posx = -10
  318. posy = -10
  319. [SymantecDir]
  320. caption = "Searching for Shared Directory"
  321. text1 = "Searching for Symantec shared"
  322. text2 = "program folder."
  323. appname = "symcfg.bin"
  324. apppath = C:\SYMANTEC
  325. [Errors]
  326. NoPrev  =  "Symantec Setup for Windows is already running!"
  327. [FileCopy]
  328. copycaption   =  "Removing Norton AntiVirus files"
  329. errorcaption  =  "Error Removing Files"
  330. insertcaption =  "Insert Diskette"
  331. Message       =   MessageText
  332. [Cancel]
  333. caption = "pcANYWHERE - Exit Uninstall"
  334. text    = "Are you sure you want to exit?"
  335. [CancelShell]
  336. caption = "pcANYWHERE - Exit Uninstall"
  337. "You have selected to cancel Uninstall."
  338. "In order to reset the Windows"
  339. "environment, Uninstall will also restart"
  340. "your computer.  Are you sure you want to exit?"
  341. [Bye]
  342. caption  =  "pcANYWHERE - Uninstall Complete"
  343. "This concludes the removal of pcANYWHERE."
  344. "Your computer is no longer protected from viruses."
  345. " "
  346. [ByeRestart]
  347. caption  =  "pcANYWHERE - Uninstall Complete"
  348. "pcANYWHERE has been removed.  Your computer
  349. "is no longer protected from viruses."
  350. " "
  351. "Setup must restart your computer to complete the"
  352. "uninstall process."
  353. [Target2_Target]
  354. reset = TARGET2
  355. location = %s, TARGET
  356. [Target_Target2]
  357. reset = TARGET
  358. location = %s, TARGET2
  359. [Target_Target2\Data]
  360. reset = TARGET
  361. location = %s\Data, TARGET2
  362. [Target_Target2\Transfer]
  363. reset = TARGET
  364. location = %s\Download, TARGET2
  365. [SourceToTarget4]
  366. reset = TARGET4
  367. location = %s, SOURCE
  368. [Target4ToTarget]
  369. reset = TARGET
  370. location = %s, TARGET4
  371. [TargetToTarget3]
  372. reset = TARGET3
  373. location = %s, TARGET
  374. [Target2ToTarget4]
  375. reset = TARGET4
  376. location = %s, TARGET2
  377. [Target2ToTarget5]
  378. reset = TARGET5
  379. location = %s, TARGET2
  380. [TargetToTarget5]
  381. reset = TARGET5
  382. location = %s, TARGET
  383. [SystemToTarget2]
  384. reset = TARGET2
  385. location = "SYSTEM"
  386. relative = 1
  387. relativeto = TARGET
  388. [SharedToTarget3]
  389. reset = TARGET3
  390. location = %s, TARGET5
  391. [Target3ToTarget4]
  392. reset = TARGET4
  393. location = %s, TARGET3
  394. [Target4ToTarget3]
  395. reset = TARGET3
  396. location = %s, TARGET4
  397. [Target3ToTarget5]
  398. reset = TARGET5
  399. location = %s, TARGET3
  400. [CustDLLCopy]
  401. siwpca.dll, siwpca.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  402. cramapi.dll, cramapi.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
  403. [CustDLLDelete]
  404. siwpca.dll,      TEMPDIR
  405. [Pix]
  406. color = %s\luigi.bmp, 1, -1
  407. color = %s\symlogo.rle, -1, 1
  408. [Panel_WelcomeUninstall]
  409. Caption="pcANYWHERE for Windows 95 and NT Setup"
  410. Title="Uninstall pcANYWHERE"
  411. DlgProc=DlgProcSetupReview
  412. ResourceId=144
  413. Bitmap16=600
  414. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  415. PanelFlags=First
  416. [RemoveSharedDlg]
  417. Caption="Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95 Setup"
  418. Title="Uninstall Norton AntiVirus"
  419. DlgProc=WizardPanelProc
  420. ResourceId=134
  421. Bitmap16=600
  422. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  423. PanelFlags=First
  424. [Panel_Finished_Uninstall]
  425. Caption="pcANYWHERE for Windows 95 and NT Uninstall"
  426. Title="Uninstall Complete"
  427. DlgProc=_PanelDlgProc@16
  428. ResourceId=145
  429. Bitmap16=600
  430. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  431. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  432. [Panel_Finished95Reboot]
  433. Caption="pcANYWHERE for Windows 95 and NT Uninstall"
  434. DlgProc=_PanelDlgProc@16
  435. ResourceId=148
  436. Bitmap16=600
  437. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  438. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  439. [Panel_FinishedNTReboot]
  440. DlgProc=_PanelDlgProc@16
  441. ResourceId=150
  442. Bitmap16=600
  443. PanelDataProc=_DefaultDataProc@0
  444. PanelFlags=First+Last+Finish
  445. [SetShell]
  446. WinIniName = win.ini
  447. SystemIniName = system.ini
  448. Message = MessageBox.SetShellMessage
  449. SysSectionName = boot
  450. WinSectionName = windows
  451. shell = %s\Setup.exe
  452. load =
  453. run =
  454. SetShellIfLoaded=
  455. Backup = Backup.SetShellSave
  456. Restore = Backup.SetShellRestore
  457. IfActiveList=LoadedList
  458. SubProcess=SubProc
  459. Active = no
  460. [SetShellSave]
  461. win.ini, win.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  462. system.ini, system.siw, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  463. [SetShellRestore]
  464. system.siw, system.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  465. win.siw, win.ini, WINDOWS, WINDOWS
  466. [LoadedList]
  467. ctl3d32.dll
  468. symevnt1.dll
  469. mfc30.dll
  470. msvcrt20.dll
  471. mfcans32.dll
  472. mfcuia32.dll
  473. awshell.dll
  474. kernel32.dll
  475. user32.dll
  476. [SetShellMessage]
  477. caption  =  "pcANYWHERE Uninstall Setup"
  478. "Welcome to pcANYWHERE Uninstall."
  479. "Please select OK to allow Setup to restart your "
  480. "computer and continue the uninstallation. "
  481. "Press Cancel to exit Uninstall Setup."
  482. [SubProc]
  483. Backup(CustDLLCopy)
  484. SaveRegistry(SaveRegGroup)
  485. CallProc(Func_InitDll)
  486. CallProcEx(Func_DelWin95AutoStart)
  487. CallProc(Func_ReleaseDll)
  488. Return()
  489. [Func_RemoveGroup]
  490. dll = siwpca.dll
  491. function = FuncRemoveGroup
  492. [SaveRegGroup]
  493. WINDOWS, system.pcu, user.pcu
  494. [Win_Ports_winawprn]
  495. IniName = win.ini
  496. SectionName = Ports
  497. pcaw.prn = ""